Sheri L. Richardson
Resides: Chiloquin, Oregon
Near Klamath Falls & Crater Lake
Relocation: Considered
A position with a team that’s passionate about what they do, that values each of its members and customers, where my skills may be put to immediate use and bettered, in daily challenges and over long-term projects.
- Experienced developing technical and non-technical documentation for a variety of audiences: Engineering, support, marketing, and end-user.
- Extensive operating system experience: Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP; Windows 2000 Server; Mac OS 9, Mac OS X; various UNIX systems.
- Expert with most word processing, page layout, and document delivery packages, including Microsoft, Macromedia, and Adobe offerings.
- Experienced with literally over 1,000 other programs, including relational databases and internal-use tools.
- Excellent knowledge of W3C standards.
- Understands object-oriented programming, principals and implementation.
- Hardware: Adept to the component level, self taught.
Recent Writing Experience
Kensington Technology Group
333 Twin Dolphin Drive, Redwood Shores, CA 94065
Web Content Writer & RightNow Admin, 8/2005–12/2005
- Wrote new support FAQs: RightNow.
- Staged sites for major-version RightNow upgrade.
- Edited and updated suite of existing FAQs.
- Authored automated and standard support and customer service responses.
- Developed training interface for support staff.
- Administered customer-facing support and service content.
- Worked with web administrators; bug reports, restore requests.
- Worked with FTP administrators; publishing software updates.
- Worked with product management and QA; bug reports, product information.
- Assisted with other writing tasks as needed.
Microsoft Corporation
1065 La Avenida Avenue, Mountain View, CA 94043
Software Test Engineer, 12/1999–11/2002
- Wrote step-by-step guide for setting up and running a lab of 89 set-top boxes, and concurrently testing client software for Ultimate TV/DirecTV, DISHplayer/EchoStar, and WebTV/MSN TV.
- Wrote automation scripts: XML.
- Established daily-build quick-look test suite for Microsoft TV.
- Responsible for group web site and publishing test results.
- Maintained and administered database of over 89,000 test cases.
- Tested client and application software, directed and ad-hoc.
- Acted as Beta liaison, communicating with external testers.
- Performed rendering engine testing, isolating at-fault code fragments.
On-the-job training:
- DirecTV IRD Specifications
- FileMaker Pro Server: admin, coding
- Visual Studio: C# (basics)
- Windows 2000 Server (two-CPU workgroup)
- Windows CE: development tools
- W3C compliance
Apple Computer
1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA 95014
Hardware Lab Technician, 6/1999–10/1999; Software Test Engineer & Guideline Writer, 1995–1997; eWorld Structure Staff, 1995
- Wrote test suites for new and updated Mac OS components: first-hand use; disassembly; interviewing development staff and fellow testers.
- Performed user-level testing, ad-hoc and directed.
- Wrote customer procedures for use and care of seeded hardware.
- Coded the eWorld on-line service: Responsible for exacting layouts and system-wide grammatical and spelling accuracy.
- Authored eWorld’s static help texts.
Prior Writing Experience: Dates to 1985
- Established templates and boilerplate texts.
- Reformatted documents to conform with published style guides.
- Wrote major-version upgrade: 400-page user manual, to bluelines.
- Rewrote programmer-penned help texts prior to program compiling.
- Proofread technical file-format documentation: C++ fragments.
- Wrote user how-to articles: print and on-line distribution.
- Performed technical edits: multiple printed end-user manuals.
- Wrote end-user manual addendums.
Interests: Professional & Personal
- Hosts and administers free Internet virtual-reality databases: compiled LambdaMOO server (GCC, FreeBSD); object-oriented programming; account creation; password, permissions setting; file maintenance..
- Administers private domain: FTP; shell, Telnet; manual HTML, CSS, JavaScript coding.
- Maintains private network of computers, server, shared PostScript printer: Ethernet, DSL, Asanté router and print server.
- Novelist with four manuscripts in active development; writes for fun and, eventually, profit.
References: Available on request
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This document was last updated in BBEdit 6.5.2 on Saturday, April 22, 2006.
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